Evolve E-bike Share returning to Whistler for the next two years

This summer, tourists and citizens in Whistler have a new, affordable way to take commuter-style trips around the area without the need for a car.
BCAA has partnered with the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) to bring the Evolve E-bike Share program back to the community after a successful demonstration program last Summer that saw +1,000 trips over the 12-week program. The program aims to get more cars off the highway and local roads and reduce GHG emissions in support of RMOW’s Big Moves climate action strategy.
This year, the expanded pilot program will run until October 2023, and then from April – October 2024. This program will bring 100 public e-bikes to several convenient pick-up/drop-off zones around the community, including:
– Whistler Olympic Plaza
– Fitzsimmons Connector
– Function Junction
– Alpha Lake
– Meadow Park Sports Centre
– Rainbow Estates
– Whistler Community Services Society
– Whistler Howe Sounds Women’s Centre