Do you know your Dipstory? Pizza Pizza exclusive Dip Roller to Revolutionize Dipping

Are you a dipper? Since the dawn of dip, pizza lovers have struggled to achieve the perfect coat of pizza dip. Now, Pizza Pizza introduces the Dip Roller – a once-in-a-generation innovation in dipping, helping you achieve an even dip, every time.
Why a dip roller? Because two-thirds of dippers dip the whole slice and not just the crust. More information on the roller is available at
Pizza Pizza Asks: Do You Know Your Dipstory?
Early Days
– Pizza Pizza launched Creamy Garlic and Marinara dips in the mid-90s
– Both dips were intended to be served with, and for, pizza dipping
– Within a year, the Creamy Garlic dip outsold the Marinara by a significant margin and has remained the top seller ever since
Popularity Grows
– Dipping sauce has increasingly become synonymous with Pizza Pizza
– About 10 years ago, Pizza Pizza offered 8 dips. Today, that’s grown to 14 dips for pizzas and savory items, plus a Caramel Dip for the Funnel Cake Stix
– Creamy Garlic is the most popular dipping sauce representing ⅔ of dips sold at Pizza Pizza
– 25% of all Pizza Pizza mentions on social media are around the Creamy Garlic dip
– 86% of dippers say they dip their pizza at least sometimes, and 31% say they always dip (whenever dipping sauce is available)
– Among dippers, two-thirds dip the whole slice and not just the crust
– 75% of dippers consider dipping pizza “delicious” 42% say it’s “fun” 26% say it’s “essential”
– 71% of dippers say dipping sauce is at least somewhat important to their choice when they’re deciding where to get pizza from
– Among Always Dippers, 48% call it “very important” and 13% call it “the most important factor”